
Large-Scale Art Grows From the Tiniest Pieces

凯文Champeny 98 hand casts many intricate objects, 然后将它们合并成粗体, 大型艺术品.

凯文Champeny 98, 在贝洛伊特学习工作室艺术的人, is a New York-based artist and sculptor who creates small, intricate hand-cast works of art that he uses as components in the design of his large-scale mosaics.

Champeny’s latest mosaic is a tribute piece to Jerry Garcia, 已故的首席吉他手, 歌手, 可以说是感恩而死乐队的灵魂. 《十大菠菜台子》是由25人组成的,000 sculpted and hand-cast urethane pieces of imagery from the life of Garcia and the band.


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