克莱尔Eigenbrode 20


A grassroots student movement aims to make the Rock River a memorable part of everyone’s 贝洛伊特 experience.

The final hours of Wisconsin summer heat floated above the Rock River one Saturday afternoon last September, while what looked like a huge Midwestern family reunion began to gather on one bank about two miles from the 十大菠菜台子 campus. 超过200名伯洛伊特学生, 校友, 教师, 他们的家人想方设法保留汉堡, 芯片, and sodas balanced on paper plates while they watched other guests toss Frisbees or help pile up logs in anticipation of a bonfire later that night.

But most visitors were hanging out near the main event: the ebb and flow of kayaks and canoes being carried in and out of the bright blue doors of the Buccaneer Boathouse and down a slope to the edge of the water.

一大队经过认证的学生船员正在提供安全装备, 示威活动, 并向新人保证,直到, 配有救生衣和霓虹灯皮艇, 他们准备划到洛克河上去.

“然后你就会度过一生中最美好的时光,Quin 布伦纳 ' 21总结道, 分发安全弃权书的学生之一, 系紧救生衣, 那天还在煎素汉堡.

布伦纳, 菲利普•艾德里安的21, 和21岁的亨利·韦斯特是海盗船坞的三巨头, the name of both the student organization and the formerly derelict piece of college property beside the Rock River that they resurrected and reinvented last spring. 在地面融化的时间里, the three students—all first-years at the time—secured funding and support from the college, 有一群同学参与了他们的项目, 装修了房子和那里的小屋, 在大楼里放满了船和装备, 并开始在水面上投放潜水艇.

到目前为止, 至少在河水还没结冰的时候, the boathouse has hosted public boating days like the one on 首页coming weekend and private events for 十大菠菜台子 groups, 比如黑人学生联合会, 今年的住宅顾问, 以及《十大菠菜台子》的演员,,该剧于去年11月在校园内上演.

现在他们有能力了, 布鲁纳说, “我们有一长串可以做的事情.最重要的, he and the rest of the Buccaneer Boathouse crew hope that the place becomes a routine destination for all 贝洛伊特ers to decompress. Fledgling boaters participate in a training session at the Buccaneer Boathouse last September. Fledgling boaters participate in a training session at the Buccaneer Boathouse last September. 来源:Howard Korn

“I really hope that we can get 更多的 people excited about just going out there on a regular basis,阿德里安说。. It’s crucial to the crew and the officers that boating expertise never become a prerequisite for hanging out at the boathouse. 户外活动, especially ones that necessitate the means to transport expensive gear—like boats and oars—tend “to be very exclusive and elitist,艾德里安指出, “我们正试图让它尽可能地开放和欢迎.”

Crew members are volunteers who have completed five hours of service at the boathouse and demonstrated ability in a kayak and canoe (although there’s no need for boating experience before they begin training). 一旦他们得到了认证, 船员们从早到晚都可以借阅船库的钥匙, 他们可以把任何人带到水面上,只要他们也在上面.

除了创始人和工作人员, 目前有五位船坞管理人员组成了一种执行委员会. Mustafa Quadir ' 20是包容性政策发展官员, 21岁的伊万杰琳·麦克法林负责协调活动, 21岁的艾尔莎·科诺耶负责训练和管理机组人员, Ryan Jacquemet是19岁的“设备男”,21岁的海莉·特兰刚刚被任命为财务主管.

Quadir, who learned about the Buccaneer Boathouse when he spotted Adrian kayaking through a shallow snowmelt puddle last February in front of Middle College, is creating a protocol to ensure that identity-based campus groups are guaranteed time on the water. He is also putting aside an event subsidy fund so that those groups don’t have to dip into their own budgets when they want to host an event by the river. The beauty of the Buccaneer Boathouse is that it “takes the shape of whoever’s currently using it,Quadir说. 这是一个人们可以毫无歉意地做自己的空间.”


建立船屋可能不是他们的明确计划,当艾德里安, 布伦纳, 韦斯特于2017年8月首次来到校园, 但对他们每个人来说,这似乎都是自然而然的.

海盗船屋的创始人, 从左, are Philip Adrian'21, Quin 布伦纳'21 and Henry West... 海盗船屋的创始人, 从左, 菲利普·艾德里安是21岁吗, 奎恩·布伦纳和亨利·韦斯特.
艾德里安是在密尔沃基附近划船长大的, and says that he chose 贝洛伊特 in part because he felt grounded when he saw the Rock River from campus. 韦斯特来自俄勒冈州海岸附近,他只申请靠近水体的大学. 以及作为, 他来自明尼苏达州南部,第一份工作是在另一家船屋, came to 贝洛伊特 to be involved with the Powerhouse project and quickly noted the then-tenuous relationship between the college and the tremendous resource in its backyard. He says he was surprised that the college didn’t have a tangible way to get students acquainted with the Rock River.

That thought resurfaced one fall weekend when the trio was hiking near the Rockton Dam a few miles from campus. 他们注意到溢洪道需要清理一下, 我想他们还是自己承担吧, 然后开始四处打听学校有没有船. 最终, Jen沃尔什, 伯洛伊特大学学生参与和领导部门的前任主管, 把艾德里安和布伦纳带到了学校在水上的一处废弃的两英亩土地上. 他们几乎不用看对方一眼就知道需要做什么.

和韦斯特一起, they cranked out a constitution over the winter break with a plan for how the boathouse could be actively co-owned by anyone who wanted to use it. Then they spent months preparing an application for the college’s New Clubs and Organizations Committee (currently, the Buccaneer Boathouse still has trial organization status) and a Funding Board proposal detailing everything the property needed in order to become fully functional.

两位创始人回忆说,政府对他们的雄心壮志的反应是赋予他们权力. “每个人都能看到我们为校园带来的价值,”布伦纳说. 沃尔什千方百计确保那栋大楼是他们的, 斯科特·比尔曼总统写了一封支持该项目的信, 一位校友赚了2美元,我给船屋修复工程捐了1000英镑.

韦斯特说,尽管如此,有问题的房产还是“一团糟”. “It didn’t feel safe; it wasn’t clean … a lot of poor ownership had been going on.” He adds that the founders later discovered in College Archives that the boathouse had been revived and abandoned repeatedly since its first iteration in 1860.

“It makes sense that it dies” if the organization is not built to be sustainable, 布伦纳 contends. 当前版本船屋的真正目标仅仅是长寿. “我不在乎是否有人进来改造它的运作方式, 只要它还存在,他说.

从他们开始着手, 学生志愿者已经在这里投入了900多个小时的工作, 哪个已经完全改变了. 这栋楼已经被打扫干净了, 重新粉刷, 用学生的艺术装饰, 还有灌木丛和杂草, 尤其是入侵物种, 已经被清除了.

“That much turnaround in less than a year is really motivating for [future] projects,” says Westly.

“他们有一个愿景, 他们非常善于将这种愿景传达给其他人,” says Boathouse officer and event coordinator Evangeline McFarlin of the founders’ success at mobilizing other students.

McFarlin and Quadir are hoping the boathouse eventually becomes stable enough as an organization to host a 教师 position and a paid student post or two, 这样当学生们需要下水时,它就可以运行了. 包括暑假期间, when dozens of students secure on-campus jobs and internships and choose to stay in the 贝洛伊特 area. 一群人聚集在Buccaneer Boathouse酒店烧烤和篝火. 一群人聚集在Buccaneer Boathouse酒店烧烤和篝火.

剩下的可能性是未知的, 但与此同时, the crew and the officers are focused on getting as many people out on the water as they can. “如果我们把五个人放到水上, 这比在水上要多出5个,布伦纳指出. 他将其与项目的早期阶段进行了比较, 当他们所做的一切——甚至去掉蜘蛛网——使船屋成为一个更好的空间.

Being on the water at any given time is no less transformative for the Buccaneer Boathouse’s founders than it is for a first-time boater. “我不知道如果没有船屋,我是否还能在这里,”布伦纳承认. “我不知道如果没有船屋,我的大学生活会是什么样子.也许用不了多久,其他伯洛伊特学院的学生也会说出同样的话.

克莱尔Eigenbrode 20, 来自莫斯科的环境研究专业三年级学生, 爱达荷州, 是那些再也无法想象没有船库的贝洛伊特的学生之一吗, 但她希望岩石河有一些爱达荷州的急流. 她也是《十大菠菜台子》的新闻编辑.


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