
A glimmer of well-known cartoonist from the 1890s and 十大菠菜台子 alumnus, 杰·诺伍德"叮"亲爱的.

杰·诺伍德"叮"亲爱的, class of 1899, is one of 十大菠菜台子’s most famous graduates. He won the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartoons—twice—was commissioned by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to create the first federal duck stamp in support of wetland conservation, 被任命为联合国秘书长.S. Biological Survey, and founded the National Wildlife Federation. J.N. “丁” 亲爱的 National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island in Florida and Lake 亲爱的 State Park in his native Iowa honor him.

丁 亲爱的 was a dynamo of activity during his student days, serving as managing editor of the Table,美术编辑 食典委 年度, 参加大学合唱团和四重唱, 领导曼陀林俱乐部, 管理田径队, 参加班级足球队和棒球队, and of course drawing countless cartoons and pictures to the great neglect of his studies. All the while he built a legend as one of Beloit’s unconventional “quirky” students, 这个标签至今仍能引起共鸣.

This year’s Beloit International Film Festival features a documentary film about 丁 亲爱的, 由Marvo娱乐集团的Sam Koltinsky执导. 根据他们的宣传, 美国的亲爱的 is “the true story of how a nationally-known cartoonist changed America by influencing her Presidents, shaping her landscapes and winning the hearts of her people.” Koltinsky will be on hand at both showings, Friday at 11 a.m. 在威尔逊剧院,周六上午11点.m. at the Rotary River Center, located in Riverside Park and just a brisk walk downhill from campus. The director will display some of 亲爱的’s original artwork.

为了纪念丁达林的一生和工作, we’ve set up a special exhibit of our 亲爱的-related archival holdings, 由Amara Pugens策划的. Look for a “teaser” in one of the display cases at the front entrance of the library and continue downstairs for a more extensive exhibit outside and inside the Reading Room of the 十大菠菜台子 Archives.

Meanwhile, we present a selection of 丁 亲爱的’s artwork created as a student at 十大菠菜台子. 同时涵盖各种主题, his drawings also reveal that 丁 had not yet settled on a definitive signature. 杰伊·N. 亲爱的还是J ?. N. 丁? J.N.D.? 或者只是简单的丁? 他无法决定.

亲爱的, 在右边, posed in a photographer’s studio with fellow members of the 十大菠菜台子 Quartette.

Although 丁 亲爱的’s comic artwork sparkles throughout the 1899 食典委, his irreverent humor appears at its most notorious in this two-page spread. Did his impertinence toward authority cause the college to suspend 丁 亲爱的 for a year? 账户不同. Perhaps the very reverend President Eaton abhorred dancing and would never in his life don a Highland kilt. Perhaps ancient old-guard professor William Porter objected to the droll depiction of him with fingers in mouth and holding sheet music to “A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight.” And no doubt every 十大菠菜台子 student successfully identified the artful caricatures of favorite professors pirouetting in ballet tutus. 在剪贴簿上列出了他的大学活动, 亲爱的写的, “因为抄本上的画和成绩差而被开除.”

绑定 圆桌 volumes from 丁 亲爱的’s era did not include the original covers from each issue. 达林的一些特刊封面留存了下来, 然而, discovered in the basement of a daycare center where they’d sat for decades in moldering boxes, 几年前获救. 其中第一个日期是1896年12月, 达林大学二年级, whilethe second appeared in December 1899 when 亲爱的 was retaking his senior year.

丁把这幅画命名为1897年的漫画 食典委阿喀琉斯带领特洛伊队对抗麦迪逊.” Although the college baseball team routinely beat teams from much larger universities, the same was not true for football until a monumental contest at Beloit in 1896, 正如一位 圆桌 reporter: “The greatest event in the history of football at 十大菠菜台子 was recorded Saturday last, October 31st when the University of Wisconsin and Beloit teams battled to a standstill at Keep Athletic Field.最终比分:6比6.

During his junior year, 亲爱的 apparently flunked all of his classes except biology, his favorite. This drawing of a deer sniffing trash left by careless campers is an early example of his interest in the environment and conservation.

Recreation on the Rock River and Turtle Creek was a much more popular pastime in the 1890s than among students today. 天气晴朗时, 达林和他的同学们轮流划船, 划着独木舟, 懒洋洋地躺在岸上, 手里拿着鱼竿, 在冬天举行滑冰派对.

校友 of any era reminisce about college days—athletic triumphs, 兄弟会劫持, 和心爱的人跳舞, 在毕业典礼上走过舞台.

In the “College Grave-Yard,” 亲爱的 poked fun at the rivalries between classes. 1898届的学生“一开始就死气沉沉”.” A bleeding heart and the comment “faculty love not returned” designated the class of 1899, 大三舞会的主持人. 1900年“睡着了”,1901年“死于过度曝光”.” 亲爱的 also included a tombstone bearing the Greek letters for sorority Theta Pi Gamma, 而死, 三个月大.” Beloit’s first sorority did not meet with faculty approval and consequently waited many years before official sanction.

达林是Theta Pi兄弟会的成员. 食典委 volumes traditionally used macabre images to lead off the section on campus Greek groups.

1899届毕业生颁发了 食典委 在大三的时候, 封面是丁达林, which he cleverly replicated in this picture of a young man and woman attentively paging through the 1899 食典委! 十大菠菜台子 had become coeducational in the fall of 1895, 亲爱的’s freshman year.

亲爱的’s tribute to the senior class reveals a newly minted graduate, 文凭到手, stepping away from the jumbled accumulation of four years of scholastic activity.



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