April 12, 2024

Praise for the Fall 2023 issue

Letters: From Our Readers

Remembering fun and friends

1976年秋天,两个学生和一只狗在学生会门前合影. We shared this image of two students and a dog in our fall 2023 issue. Here is what alumni sent us about these playful friends.

The dog pictured in the fall magazine is Dune, owned by Kimberly Sanders Perron’74. Dune was one of the sweetest dogs I have ever known. He was well-loved by the whole gang at 416 Harrison. Dune and his mate, Circe, produced a litter of pups: Bruiser went to Chuck Wallace’73 and Marcy Rhodes Wallace’73; Chiadee and Reggae went to Gordy Miller’74: Jack went to Peter Perron’74; Saladin went to Steven Ching’73; and Lisl went to Pat and Greg Wilson’73.

Greg Wilson’73
Beloit, Wisconsin

和狗一起坐在树叶里的人是查尔斯·奇普·莱舍,77届,地质学专业. 据我所知,他还在加州大学戴维斯分校.

Mark Henderson’76
Greenwich, Connecticut

What a surprise and blast from the past! Great fun, Mark, that you recognized me in the picture. Those were the days… young and carefree. After graduating from Beloit, 我在缅因州待了一段时间,然后在哈佛大学从事地球科学的研究生工作. 我在加州大学戴维斯分校和奥胡斯大学工作了31年. Returning to Maine in retirement.

Charles (still “Chip” to my friends) Lesher’77
Aarhus, Denmark

Point of No Return

2023年秋季十大菠菜台子杂志封面,以十大菠菜台子第12任校长为特色, Eric Boynton. I was impressed with your fall edition, particularly Anastasia Voronovsky on the Russia-Ukraine War, and Susan Kasten on the new president and his seminar in Krakow. As a history major at Beloit I was intrigued by Russia and Central Europe, and inspired by a trio of English professors: (John S.) Eells, (Frederick R.) White, and (Chad) Walsh.

1951年毕业后,我在加利福尼亚州蒙特雷的陆军语言学校学习俄语. Though the Russians considered it a spy school, 在斯大林之后的解冻时期,我成功地通过两次教师交流潜入了俄罗斯, 一位在莫斯科国立大学任教,另一位在莫斯科和列宁格勒的高中教英语. The family later camped our way through Russia. 我和妻子还在捷克斯洛伐克的和平队工作了两年,在吉尔吉斯斯坦的富布赖特奖学金项目工作了两年. 希望后普京时代的关系解冻,阿纳斯塔西娅, Russia, 美国可以再次促进彼此之间的和平关系和友好交流.

D. Stanley Moore’51
Chicago, Illinois

Speaking Out for Democracy


I very much enjoyed the fall issue. 杂志越来越好,大学也越来越好. 不断的改进不仅是为了保证学生得到更好的教育, 但也赞赏我们心爱的机构的声誉,并增加了过去颁发的文凭的价值. That is an inflation we alums can all applaud. I especially appreciated the story by Anastasia Voronovsky’21, 谁亲身经历了这么多,做了这么多公开抗议普京对乌克兰的战争.

我向她和许多勇敢的反对这场战争的俄罗斯公民致敬. 我希望我们现存的民主主义的旗手们勇敢地站出来反对反民主主义运动. 我只能想象沃罗诺夫斯基可能会想,为什么美国人不走上街头抗议亲普京, anti-democracy candidate Donald Trump. 保持良好的工作,以承诺和高目标改善学院, 1962年,吉姆·茨威格加入了南方的自由乘车者,支持民权运动, 伯洛伊特学院的教职员工也通过了一项决议,以表彰他的勇气和他因坚持立场而遭受的暴力.

Frank K. Mitchell’61
Columbus, Ohio

Pathways to Medicine

Taja Hereford'15 It was refreshing to see the multiple jobs Beloit alumni hold in the medical field. 我一开始对考古学感兴趣,并认为我将在余生中做这件事……现在我是一家诊所的质量改进经理,该诊所为无家可归或有无家可归风险的人提供服务. 伯洛伊特的经历为你的世界和你的人生道路做好了准备,无论它去哪里.

Emily Hildebrant’04
Harwich, Massachusetts

Inclusion and Success

Congrats on the last issue of the magazine. 从我毕业的日期就可以明显看出,我读这本杂志已经很多年了. 我真的很欣赏学院和伯洛伊特社区之间的互动, especially the African American community. 而且我很重视收录这么多关于在校学生和他们的成功的信息. Keep up the good work.

Lytton John Musselman’65
Norfolk, Virginia

More cowbell

I enjoyed the fall 2023 edition of Beloit College Magazine, particularly the introduction to President Boynton, and the story “Beyond Cows, Chalets, and Fondue.”

穿着盛装的chlalase敲着大钟,唱着缓慢的yodel来迎接新的一年. Treicheln是Silvesterchlausen的一个版本,存在于瑞士的其他地方. I have seen it in the Berner Oberland on the Hasliberg. A phalanx of farmers, 大概三横十深,每个人面前举着一个牛铃, 当铃铛从大腿传到大腿时,以有节奏的步伐拖着脚步前进, creating a deafening thunder. They do not dress up. I think they are often drunk. 我在新年看到过,当一个当地人结婚的时候,他们在他的房子周围游行,以抵御任何邪恶的灵魂.

Mark Morrison-Reed’72
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Historic Preservation

A couple observations on the fall issue: in the story on President Boynton by Susan Kasten, 书中提到他在埃奇顿的洛克河边有一处房子, 那里恰好是我的家乡,我仍然拥有我家1885年国家信托注册的历史悠久的奶油砖烟草仓库, the oldest building of its type in the state of Wisconsin. 有人在秋季的《菠菜白菜吧》上欺骗我——我实际上是在阿灵顿的历史保护上花时间的, Virginia.

Tom Dickinson’73
Warrenton, Virginia

Talk to us

你最近出过书、录过歌或者拍过电影吗? 我们正在寻找伯洛伊特校友的书籍,音乐和电影在未来的问题上. Send details to belmag@521011.net. Mail review copies to Beloit College Magazine, 700 College St., Beloit, WI 53511.

告诉我们你对这期杂志上读到的任何东西的看法 belmag@521011.net. (我们保留对信件长度和清晰度进行编辑的权利.)

Also In This Issue

  • 两所新学校提供跨学科的职业发展方法

  • 克里斯托弗·马克·琼斯和伯纳德·波齐尔1969年创作的《蒙特里萨·安可

    Montréal Encore

  • 进行战略性投资,确保Beloit拥有光明的未来


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