
Nicoló Petroccione feels the support of his Beloit mentors 和 peers — on the basketball court, 在教室里, 及以后. “伯洛伊特致力于让我成为一个成功的人.”

When Nicoló Petroccione chose Beloit, he dreamed of continuing his basketball career. What he didn’t realize is how his Beloit experience would impact him off the court as well.

“我的教授们鼓励我去看新事物, 我学的东西都很有影响力,Petroccione说. “我选择这所大学是为了篮球, 现在我不仅感谢我的团队, 但更多的是.”

Petroccione said he wanted to attend a small college that would give him more opportunity to interact with his professors. “I knew I wanted to study something related to math, but I was not sure. So It was also important for me to have the option of exploring 和 seeing new things.”

Petroccione从巴拿马加入了Beloit社区. 这是他第一次参观校园, he recalls feeling that each person he met was invested in his comfort 和 answering his questions. “我觉得我在一个会被照顾的地方. It showed me that Beloit is committed to making me a successful person,” he says.

Now a rising senior, Petroccione feels that same commitment has allowed him to exp和 his curiosity. His professors have pushed him to open his mind, resulting in his majors in 数量经济数学,以及辅修 法国.

“他们关心你这个人, 他们想让你学习, 不只是得到一个分数然后继续前进,Petroccione说.

以Paul Stanley为例 物理学与天文学. Stanley kept an open door to Petroccione when he found himself lost in a math course, 他以前对这个话题很有信心. “I felt lost 和 scared of math, but I was able to talk through it with him. We met almost every day — he helped calm my worry 和 perform at my best,” recalls Petroccione.

Beloit’s curriculum has encouraged Petroccione to explore new areas of study as well. 今年,他参加了 达菲伙伴计划 — a sociology elective that connects Beloit students with the greater community. “以前,我不想上数学和语言以外的课. 达菲计划让我走出了自己的舒适区, 我很高兴在秋天上第二学期的课程,他解释道.

The influence of Petroccione’s mentors 和 peers extends beyond the classroom. 他喜欢在活动中与教授互动, 和 believes their dedication to Beloit outside the classroom creates meaningful connections. “他们是人,他们理解你,”他说. “在个人层面上进行社交是很好的.”

The bond with his teammates has also opened Petroccione to new ideas 和 experiences. 他们的爱连接在一起 真人国际菠菜, the team supports one another 和 brings different majors, interests, 和 backgrounds together. He appreciates the care his coach, Josh Hinz’07, has for the program 和 the College. 欣茨是贝洛伊特队历史上的头号得分手.

“It’s a unique feeling because he knows what Beloit is about 和 what the student experience is like here. It is fun to play for someone who has given so much to the College,” explains Petroccione.

在考虑离开伯洛伊特之后的下一步, Petroccione很感激他新发现的好奇心, 和 he plans to stay open-minded to all opportunities that come his way.

“So, I still don’t know what I want to do, but I am happy I don’t know. 我对一切都很好奇,”Petroccione说.


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