
作为朗蒙特的校园导游, CO, 艾拉Aizeki的25 is passionate about Beloit — and about telling people just how much she loves Beloit. She answers a few burning questions about her many interests, 她最喜欢大学生活的事情, 在大学一年级找到归属感.


我在找小型文理学院. My mom and I were looking at so many different college search websites, and I can’t even remember which one Beloit came on, 但是我妈妈说, “艾拉, 这是给你的!” What really drew me to the school was watching the YouTube videos of students. 感觉很私人. Being able to see conversations between students and see their dorms, 我只是觉得, “看看这些很酷的人, 谁像我一样风趣又古怪!”


艾拉Aizeki的25 艾拉Aizeki的25我的工作是 导游 我加入了 位 & 块 [Beloit是一个无伴奏合唱团]. I’m also the director of finance and ritual chair for Delta Sigma Nu [formerly the national sorority Alpha Sigma Tau]. 我在努力完成所有的课程. 我要带 计算机科学,我很喜欢. I was so nervous to take it, but now I think I might major in 计算机科学. 我也在用文化方法 数学这很有趣. 我要带 性别、种族和权力的介绍 文学,专注于亲密关系 迈克尔Dango.

I wanted to throw myself into different disciplines and learn about different things so I would find out what I want to major in. 我喜欢这里的课程如此有趣. There are different ways we can approach science and math or different focuses to 文学.


太有趣了. 我也承担了很多责任, 这已经很多了, 尤其是在创建这个新组织的过程中. I’m feeling 就像 I’m getting a lot of new skills [to use] in the adult world, 就像 learning about bank accounts and budgeting and talking to people to connect different ideas. It’s been a little intimidating and a lot on my plate, but overall it’s been a positive experience. Everyone is so cool and so smart and kind and everyone wants to help each other. 几天前, 我们要一起做蜡画, and it was such a fun time to make art and bond with everyone.

How do you feel about being one of the youngest 导游s on staff?

艾拉乘坐一艘船探索伯洛伊特市中心 会长以及Sinnissippi巡洋舰 自行车. 艾拉乘坐一艘船探索伯洛伊特市中心 会长以及Sinnissippi巡洋舰 自行车.

这很令人兴奋. I was definitely nervous at first because I don’t have all the information about every major and every building on campus, but I think it’s really cool that 他们 hire first-years because I am so excited to join all these new things, which I think is an important perspective for new students. I just applied last year, so I know what it’s 就像 to be in their shoes.

It’s a lot of energy and can be emotionally exhausting if I’m having a hard day, 但我觉得这真的很有帮助. It puts me in a happy mood because 我爱 connecting with people, 即使我不想这么做, putting myself in that mode of being excited lifts my spirits and puts me in a different place. It reminds me of why I 就像 telling people why I 就像 Beloit. 我还喜欢做 剧院 in high school, and this is an opportunity to perform a little bit for people.


这是一个很大的时间承诺, and I really want to get involved in a bunch of little things and see what else I 就像 before I take up all my time with that. 但我非常喜欢音乐剧, so maybe next year’s musical I’ll audition for and sacrifice some hours to do something 我爱. 出演音乐剧真是太有趣了.

Is there anything else that you’re aspiring to do at Beloit?

我一直想成为 学生的电影. 或者拿一个 音乐制作 上课,学习如何制作音乐.


Ella and her friends enjoy hanging out in her split double room in 布什内尔. Ella and her friends enjoy hanging out in her split double room in 布什内尔.

我的室友刚搬出去, and at first I was dreading even being in my room because her space is gone. Now, I’ve rearranged my bed and stuff, so I’m really loving having this cozy space in my room. 我爱 布什内尔 because it’s an all-female space and it’s such a nice community. 很多时候, I’ll just leave my door open and be working at my desk when people stop by and say hey. 这就是我喜欢布什四楼的原因. 我爱 change too, so I definitely need a fresh start next year — just don’t know where yet.

除此之外,我喜欢楼上的 皮尔森 and 我爱 that I get to do a cappella there once a week. 我喜欢邮件中心! 我喜欢古董邮箱和收包裹.

当你在这里的时候,你想念家里的什么? 你在家的时候会想念什么?

25岁的艾拉·艾泽基和她的狗在科罗拉多徒步旅行. 25岁的艾拉·艾泽基和她的狗在科罗拉多徒步旅行.我想念高山和徒步旅行. I didn’t know that 我爱 hiking until I was about to leave. I was 就像, “What should I do in Colorado before I can’t be here?“然后我带着我的狗去远足,我喜欢它. As soon as I knew I was going to lose it, I realized how beautiful it was. I live 15 minutes away from the wilderness, so I miss that.

Here, 我爱 living so close to my friends and being able to do whatever, whenever. 我可以去 健身房 上课前步行五分钟到教室. 我喜欢每天和我的朋友一起吃饭. 我爱 having traditions — having movie nights with my friends every Sunday, 每周三吃热饼干. 我很喜欢传统. 我爱 having my schedule and my routine, so I miss that when I’m back home.

我也很想念我的宠物. I got to meet this person’s cat today and it was the best experience ever. 我得给你看张照片!


Taking a walk in Horace White Park with friend Dani Coon'25. Taking a walk in Horace White Park with friend Dani Coon’25.

这么多事情! 和别人一起唱歌让我很开心. 笑. 分享我的空间, sharing my food — 我爱 having people over and being able to give them something, 就像, “我的冰箱里有葡萄, 人, 我们吃吧!同样是打扮. 打扮得漂漂亮亮,参加活动. Or just for myself — putting on a nice outfit and doing my hair and makeup.

尊巴! I go to the 尊巴 class [in the Powerhouse] every week. 我加入了 Todd Reading Buddies [a volunteer program run through nearby Todd Elementary], which has been really fun and makes me happy too. I work at a preschool back home, so that’s a nice way to connect with kids here.


My friends have shifted since I got here, and I think 他们’ll continue to shift my whole time here. 我的核心朋友群在一开始就认识了 新生日,第一周. 是在一个“大厅开放”的活动上. Surprisingly, not a lot of people opened their doors, and I was so disappointed. 但是那些打开门的人 他们 是我的朋友吗?.


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