April 01, 2016


A brief acknowledgement of those we have lost.

Robert Nicholls, aka ‘Coach Nick’

Robert Nicholls, aka 'Coach Nick' Robert Nicholls, former athletic director, physical education instructor, and inspirational coach of multiple sports, 死于11月. 26, 2015, in South 贝洛伊特, Ill.,享年91岁.

他被广泛称为“尼克教练”,在伯洛伊特的任期从1952年持续到1995年. In addition to teaching and advising, he coached football, men’s and women’s swimming, 网球, 篮球, and wrestling and served as 贝洛伊特’s athletic director from 1965-76. When he was near retirement in the 1990s, the college estimated that Nicholls had coached 更多的 than 3,000 student athletes.


“He was really a rare person,” recalls Mack. “I’ve never heard anybody say a negative thing about him. 对于一个当了半个世纪老师和教练的人来说,这是无与伦比的.”

As an undergraduate, 尼科尔斯是威斯康辛大学拉克罗斯分校的全联盟四分卫, where he also played 篮球. 然而, 他说,游泳是他最喜欢当教练的运动,因为他一开始的经验最少. “I really had to work at it,” he once said.

But Mack and other alumni athletes who recall Coach Nick fondly, remember how meticulously he prepared them for games, 周一早上,他会去观察对方的球队,并发布一份比赛报告.

“Coach Nick’s record and successes as a coach were no accident. He was very well-prepared for everything he did,” Mack says. “他的控球能力很强,说他‘低调’似乎不太对,’但他是那种能够掌控局面的人, yet be fair and honest in a way that got things done. He never raised his voice.”

A Michigan native, Nicholls served in the U.S. 在第二次世界大战期间,作为一名伞兵在陆军第17空降师服役. 他在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校获得硕士学位. 1973年,美国大学游泳教练协会授予他大师教练奖. When he retired, 贝洛伊特 established an endowed scholarship in Nicholls’ name, and he was inducted into 贝洛伊特’s Athletic Hall of Honor in 2001.

When Nicholls marked four decades of coaching at 贝洛伊特, 他反思道:“在这里执教40年意味着与学生们有40年的密切联系, 球员, 和老师. I don’t feel I gave them 40 years. I feel they gave me 40.”

Nicholls is survived by two 女儿s, including Sharon Denu, who works in 贝洛伊特’s Accounting Office, five grandchildren, and 12 great grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the Bob Nicholls Endowed Scholarship Fund.

Allan Patriquin, professor emeritus of philosophy and religion

Allan Patriquin, professor emeritus of philosophy and religion Allan Patriquin, 在伯洛伊特大学担任哲学和宗教教授33年,并被任命为牧师, 11月去世. 20, 2015, in South Hadley, Mass. A native of Mansfield, Mass.帕特里金于1968年加入伯洛伊特学院,并于1982年至1991年担任该系主任. He retired in 2001.

他以一己之力在伯洛伊特学院坚持了至少20年的宗教研究,” recalled Professor Debra Majeed, one of Patriquin’s colleagues in religious studies. “由于他设定的标准,我是一个更好的老师,我们的课程也更强大.”

Patriquin’s areas of focus were Islamic religion and culture, ethics in modern society, and interpretations of the Bible. 他对阿拉伯世界的兴趣使他成为马龙学院的研究员, 他在联合国问题全国委员会的主持下访问了巴林和沙特阿拉伯.S.-Arab relations. 他在20世纪80年代写道,他有兴趣“在伊斯兰教作为一种社会改革宗教的历史发展的大背景下,研究伊斯兰教的和平资源”.这项研究有助于他教授世界宗教,以及他围绕暴力和非暴力开发的道德课程.

His undergraduate degree was from Harvard. 他获得了加勒特神学院(Garrett Theological Seminary)的神学硕士学位和博士学位.D. from Northwestern University.

帕特里金被认为是一个深思熟虑、组织有序的人,为学院的工作和生活做出了贡献. 他曾在许多大学委员会任职,并在德国汉堡指导世界展望计划. 他还在当地教堂布道,并为许多以前的学生和同事主持婚礼. 他对社区事业的参与反映了他对伦理的兴趣——加强伯洛伊特地区社区并使其更加公平. Among other things, 他通过研究扫盲项目,并努力扩大和改善这些项目,与当地儿童的文盲作斗争. 
“我不认为文盲问题可以百分之百地解决,”他曾经写道. “But great improvements can be made.”

Patriquin is survived by his wife, Charlotte Slocum Patriquin, 女儿s Lisa Patriquin and Mary Everett-Patriquin, and one grandson.


Les McAllister, professor emeritus of economics pictured in 1976 Les McAllister, 伯洛伊特的传奇老师之一,也是许多伯洛伊特学生的重要顾问, died after a brief illness on Oct. 29, 2015, in Michigan. 享年94岁.

从1953年到1991年,麦卡利斯特在伯洛伊特学院的经济学教授任职,并从1960年到1974年担任系主任. 他是贝洛伊特大学首位艾伦-布拉德利经济学教授. When McAllister received that honor, 他的同事杰瑞·古斯塔夫森评论说:“莱斯·麦卡利斯特可能是这个国家最好的本科经济学老师.”

1960年和1977年,麦卡利斯特被评为伯洛伊特大学年度杰出教师. 在他提交的一份教师报告中,他对良好建议重要性的奉献精神仍然很明显. “One of the most useful devices I’ve adopted,他写道, 的做法是,每周留出半个小时的时间,作为“长期”预约.” Whether students kept the appointment or not, 麦卡利斯特指出,他们知道这是他们在他的时间里的独家主张, so they would likely use it. He wrote that it “works beautifully.”

麦卡利斯特是土生土长的芝加哥人,他的专业领域包括国家安全和军备控制经济学和美国外交政策.S. monetary banking history. 他曾任职于威斯康星州银行审查委员会和高等教育机构中北部协会委员会, conducting accreditation visits at colleges from Ohio to New Mexico. In his earlier teaching years, he was a visiting professor at the National War College in Washington, D.C., the country’s top national security college.

McAllister served as a cryptographic security officer in the U.S. Air Force during World War II.
As an undergraduate at Coe College in Iowa, McAllister played 网球 all four years and captained the team. When he won the city 网球 championship, 《真人国际菠菜》称他为“镇上最好的网球运动员”.” Coe College named him to its Athletic Hall of Fame in 1983. He was named an honorary 贝洛伊特 alumnus in 1986.

麦卡利斯特在西北大学获得硕士学位,并获得博士学位.D. from the University of Oregon.

An excerpt from McAllister’s emeritus citation, presented when he retired from 贝洛伊特, speaks to his legacy:

“你在很多方面为伯洛伊特服务:作为一位优秀的教师和周到的顾问, as a supportive and challenging colleague, as an inquiring scholar, 作为一个愿意说出自己的想法并代表学院最大利益的人.”

He is survived by his wife, 伊莱恩, 女儿, Margaret McAllister Jackson, and son-in-law, David Jackson.

给伯洛伊特的纪念礼物将直接用于坎贝尔大厅的门面和入口通道的更新, which will be named for Professor McAllister.

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