



  这项政策的目的是为学生提供一种方法, 教师, 和 工作人员 members who experience hate or bias (both defined below) may have their concerns heard 和 receive support, 可以调解冲突, 和, 当需要的时候, 形成有效的社区反应.

这一政策承认在背景下的思想和表达, 为…服务, 我们的学习使命受到保护, while offering a mechanism for responding to the hatred 和 bias that work against it. These freedoms necessarily entail a potential for encountering ideas 和 speech that one finds controversial 和 even objectionable, 侮辱, 或进攻. Acts of hate 和 bias — whether or not intended — threaten to undermine individuals’ or groups’ engagement in the free exchange of ideas. Providing clear means by which suspected hate acts 和 bias incidents can be reported aligns with 十大菠菜台子’s commitment to freedom of thought 和 expression as central to our academic freedom 和 to our teaching 和 learning mission.

伯洛伊特学院强烈鼓励所有学生, 教师, 或员工,谁是受, 或目击者, 校园内发生的任何仇恨或偏见事件, 在大学赞助的活动中, 或者在伯洛伊特学生参加的校外活动中, 教师, 工作人员, 或他们的客人立即回应, 在可能的情况下, 并报告事件. 收到报告后, responders will gather information 和 devise appropriate strategies for communicating with, 教育, 在两者之间进行调解, 有关各方, 在合适的时候, 与更大的校园社区沟通. Any acts suspected of violating existing college policies will be referred to the appropriate disciplinary bodies.

Any retaliation against a person who reports an alleged hate act or bias incident or against a person who has been found responsible for such an incident is strictly prohibited 和 subject to disciplinary action. A knowingly false accusation of a hate act or bias incident may also be subject to disciplinary action. Fact-finding regarding a reported hate act or bias incident does not itself constitute 骚扰.



伯洛伊特学院将向警方报告, 并配合调查, 任何构成仇恨犯罪的行为, 定义如下 威斯康辛州法令. Those who commit hate crimes will also be subject to discipline by the college in accordance with the anti-hate acts policy outlined below.


在伯洛伊特学院,仇恨行为涉及暴力, 暴力威胁, 有可能煽动暴力的行为, or other acts violating college policy that are (2) directed at persons or groups who are marginalized because of their race, color, 宗教, 性取向, 能力状态, 民族/国籍, 物理特性, 性, 性别, 性别认同, 性别表达, 和/或任何其他受法律保护的分类, (3)具有骚扰的目的或者可以合理预见的影响, 不人道, 或恐吓那些人或团体.

例子 仇恨行为包括但不限于身体攻击, 骚扰, 跟踪, 网络跟踪, 破坏公物, 或者其他财产损失.

Investigations of hate acts require due process according to the college’s policies, including adherence to American Association of University Professors (AAUP) guidelines related to academic freedom. 制裁将取决于行动的严重程度, 对目标个人/群体的影响, 行为的意向性, 以及行动发生的整体背景. 为学生, the most likely sanction for violation of this policy will be suspension or expulsion, 这是由正常的纪律程序决定的. Sanctions for 工作人员 may range from reprim和s or training to immediate termination of employment, depending on the severity of the incident 和 taking into account any previous employment concerns. Sanctions for 教师 may range from reprim和s or training to termination of employment, depending on the severity of the incident 和 taking into account any previous employment concerns.


偏见事件是口头的, 写, or physical act of intolerance or prejudice that does not involve violence or other conduct violating college policy, 但是这会威胁到, 威胁, 或因为个人或群体的实际或被认为的种族而将其边缘化, color, 宗教, 性取向, 能力状态, 民族/国籍, 物理特性, 性, 性别, 性别认同, 性别表达, 和/或任何其他受法律保护的分类 和 lacks a reasonable relationship to an educational, 政治, 和/或艺术结局.

例子 偏见事件包括但不限于同性恋或性别歧视笑话, 种族歧视的绰号, 宗教诽谤, 进攻的涂鸦, 或者在社交媒体上发表贬低性言论. 偏见事件可能会造成伤害,也可能不会.

Responses to bias incidents may include educational opportunities for the individuals 和 groups involved, as well as for members of the campus community as a whole when reporting patterns suggest broader issues that move beyond the immediate incident. 因此,这项政策旨在增进了解, 提供一个表达多种观点的论坛, 调解冲突, 追求恢复. Reports will only be referred to a disciplinary body if the behavior violates other college policies.


伯洛伊特大学的学生, 教师, or 工作人员 may report a hate act or bias incident in any or all of the following ways:

  1. Calling 十大菠菜台子 Security or reporting incidents directly to the Beloit Police.
  2. Reporting directly to one of the lead hate 和 bias responders (Associate 教务长 for Student Success, 公平与社区和一名教员代表, 两人都接受过恢复性司法方面的培训).
  3. 报告通过 学院网站上的网页表格; this includes the option to report anonymously.


响应人员负责审查所有报告, 尽可能多地了解情况, 并做出适当的回应. This will involve listening 和 talking with with those involved in the situation 和 assessing whether a hate crime or act or bias incident has occurred.

如果有偏见, 主要应答者 will communicate with 有关各方 with the aim of developing a shared underst和ing of what occurred 和 its impact 和 restoring a successful learning or working environment.

当他们认定仇恨犯罪或行为已经发生时, 主要应答者 will convene a response team that may include the 教务长, 教务长, 总统的幕僚长, 以及通讯和市场总监或他们的代表, 和其他人, 如果团队其他成员认为合适的话. This response team will determine the appropriate pathway for addressing the hate crime or act. 这可能包括社区邮件, 外联和支持工作, 市政厅会议, 课堂讨论, 或者是场内会议. The response team will refer disciplinary matters to the appropriate college authority 和 share the information they have gathered in their own investigation. 当仇恨犯罪发生时, the response team will work with the police 和 share information they have gathered. 对仇恨和偏见事件的反应规模和范围, 以及反应发生的时间线, 将取决于以下因素:

  1. 事件的严重性、规模和范围及其影响
  2. Pace at which information can be gathered; 和 whether or not that information can be shared publicly
  3. 对目标人群的影响

每学期, 主要应答者, 教务长, 教务长将评估对报告案件的处理, 征求受影响各方的意见, 和 主要应答者 will provide to senior 工作人员 和 to the campus community a summary report regarding the number of reported hate acts 和 bias incidents, 他们的本性, 和解决. 高级职员应审查和分析这些报告, 与他人协商, 确定针对预防的可能干预措施.

Bias lead responders or any response team they convene are not disciplinary bodies. 仇恨犯罪/仇恨行为的回应/回应者是纪律的. Disciplinary action involving any individual or group will be h和led by other established bodies of the college, 如学生事务人员和司法委员会, 人力资源方面的工作人员, 在教师的情况下, the Provost or Faculty Status 和 Performance Committee in accordance with guidelines established by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) related to academic freedom 和 due process. 外部执法机构也可酌情参与.


  1. 保持适当的机密性
  2. 以尊重和敏感的态度对待各方
  3. 以伯洛伊特的使命和学术自由为中心
  4. 向受影响的各方提供有关校园支持服务的信息
  5. 向所有相关方提供:
    • 关于将遵循的流程的明确信息
    • 有关时间表的说明
    • 关于所报告事件的解决办法的解释

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