April 8 - 14

Celebrate the arts

Jerome EllisJerome Ellis is on campus this week as the Ferrall Artist-in-Residence. 通过音乐、表演、写作、视频和摄影, JJJJJerome 探索黑人、残疾语言、神性、自然、声音和时间. Meet-the-Artist (Monday, 12:30 P.M.) and attend the Public Performance (Thursday, 7:30 P.M.)

Hello Beloiters! 四月的活动还在继续,离学年结束还有不到四周的时间…….Commencement!

Commencement speakers

今年的高级官员选择了两位为正义而战的领导人在5月12日的毕业典礼上发言:田纳西州众议员. Justin J. Pearson and Oceana R. Gilliam’17. Gilliam, a Beloit College Trustee since 2021, 也和皮尔森订了婚并担任他的幕僚长. 她是皮尔森两次初选和大选胜利背后的主要力量.

作为一名社区组织者,皮尔森于2023年1月当选为田纳西州议会议员. Less than three months later, 在纳什维尔发生大规模枪击案之后, 他和另外两名议员因在众议院抗议枪支暴力而被驱逐. 几天后,孟菲斯和纳什维尔的地方当局恢复了皮尔森的职务, 当皮尔森在8月再次竞选总统时, he won with 94 percent of the vote. A Los Angeles native, Gilliam领导Pearson的活动和86地区的社区外展活动, 并帮助制定以减少贫困为重点的立法, eradicating gun violence, and enhancing community safety. 

Learn more about this year’s speakers.

Celebrating senior writers and artists

Attend the Creative Writing Senior Reading (April 12, 12:30 p.m., Wright Museum) to hear the work of Grayson Thobe and Rachel Kanzenbach. This is the second senior reading from creative writing majors, with Cynthia Rossbach, Amanda Langford, Lyndsey Turner, and Flora Milford having read last week.

Celebrate “多视角:高级工作室艺术展”开幕 (April 12, 4 p.m., Wright Museum) and the work of senior studio art majors Aliza Ayala, Kristin Larson, Franccesca Mamani, Chase Nelson, and Jaida Wesley. The exhibit runs through May 11.

Course registration starts this week

所有在校生和假期生从网上注册开始 Tuesday, April 9包括那些可能回来享受免学费学期选项的学生.

  • Tuesday: up to 1.25 units of credit
  • Wednesday: up to a total of 2.25 units of credit
  • Thursday: up to a total of 3.25 units of credit
  • Friday: up to a total of 4.75 units of credit


  • 7:30 a.m. - 2025届的学生,以及以前的学生
  • 12:30 p.m. – Class of 2027
  • 4 p.m. – Class of 2026

预计在注册期间无法连接的学生应通过电子邮件发送他们的优先级, primary and alternate, course selections to registrar@521011.net no later than Mon., Apr. 8, at 4:00 pm. Registrar Office staff will register these students.

Beloit International Film Festival continues

The Beloit International Film Festival is hosting its 19th season through April 14, 在伯洛伊特学院校园和整个伯洛伊特市放映了100多部电影.

  • Afterglow – Nathan Sill, Beloit College & Beloit Memorial Alum, 主持一部纪录片,一群跑酷运动员探索他们共同的历史. 看看情绪和心态是如何受到挑战的, 《十大菠菜台子》探讨了创伤和试图寻找归属感的青年经历的主题. Tickets must be purchased beforehand. $7 with Student ID.
    • Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Weissberg Auditorium, Powerhouse
    • Friday, 5 p.m., Bagels and More, Downtown Beloit
    • Saturday, 5 p.m., Weissberg Auditorium, Powerhouse
  • Queer Shorts Film Festival – Michael Dango’s Queer Theory, Film, 周四晚上7点,社区班将放映一系列以LGBTQ为主题的短片.m. in the Weissberg Auditorium in the Powerhouse. Admission is free for all.

  • Beyond BIFF: Afterglow Screening - Blue Collar Coffee邀请Beloit College的学生参加Beyond BIFF独家放映Nathan Sill的《十大菠菜台子》, a distinguished Beloit College alumnus. 《真人国际菠菜》的完整菜单将可供购买.

Check out the Beloit International Film Festival website for more BIFF screenings.


Beloit’s Sigma Chi chapter announces Derby Days, 一年一度的筹款活动,以促进校园合作, 比赛和社区,同时为亨茨曼癌症基金会筹款. Sigma Chi is hosting events from April 22 to April 28.

每天都会有一项活动或比赛,每一项都是 not exclusive to only Greek Organizations. 任何学生或工作人员都可以参加比赛,并将他们的参与用于他们选择的希腊组织. 活动将包括全校范围的社交活动、水仗和赛前动员会.


Sports recap

Beloit College baseball 周五在芝加哥大学打了两场双打. Over the weekend, 雄鹿队横扫诺克斯学院队的三场系列赛,将他们的战绩提高到16胜6负, 8-2 in conference.

Beloit softball 我度过了一个忙碌的周末,从周五到周日举办了六场主场比赛. 这支球队在与玛丽山大学的非分区双打中取得了1胜1负的战绩,之后在与康奈尔学院和格林内尔学院的比赛中分别输掉了两场比赛.

Men’s and women’s lacrosse opened their conference schedules. The men’s team 他们的前两场比赛输给了伊利诺伊理工学院和埃奇伍德学院. The women’s team lost a close game, 13-11, at Edgewood.

Buccaneer track and field 在卡罗尔大学举行的威斯康星私立大学锦标赛上拉开了他们户外赛季的序幕. Of the 13 teams, the men’s team finished fifth, while the women’s team finished seventh.




Over spring break, students in Student Excellence and Leadership (SEL) traveled to Washington, D.C. 与人权和社会正义领域的知名校友建立联系. 许多人讨论了Beloit的国际化培训如何影响了他们的职业和生活.

Finding community on and off the court

Alexis Ross dribbling a basketball.

Over her four years at Beloit, Alexis Ross’24 通过真人国际菠菜、俱乐部和研究项目收获了伯洛伊特的机会. “我认为参与不止一件事很重要,”她说. “与所有不同的团体混在一起,结识新朋友,让我的十大菠菜台子变得更好.”

Upcoming Events


Student Shout-Outs

Each year, Career Works 大声欢呼庆祝学生的成就. 我们的学生营销专业人员使用这些节目 Instagram 让我们更广泛的社区知道你们有多了不起. 请在四月份提交你的呐喊.

Children’s Book Drive

OEC is collecting books for ages 1-7 through April 28. 把你们的书放在莫尔斯-英格索兰二楼241浴室对面的箱子里. 书籍将被捐赠给小海龟乐园.

Beloiters Beat Survey

我们正在寻找有关Beloiters Beat的反馈, 每周发给所有在校生的内部通讯, faculty, and staff. 请花几分钟时间完成调查.

For Beloiters

Find more campus happenings on For Beloiters.