April 04, 2024

Taught Lines

by Stan Moore’51
Independently published, 2023

Book cover of Taught Lines by Stan Moore'51. As a history major at Beloit, Stan Moore was intrigued by Russia and Central Europe.

In this memoir, he recounts travels with his wife, Jan, and their family, and teaching around the world, including in Russia during the post-Stalin era. He and Jan also taught in Scotland, the Czech Republic, China, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, and narrowly avoided revolutions — the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia, the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, and the implosions of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in 1991.

Moore dedicates the book, richly illustrated with photographs, to his students. He admits that he’s also hoping to posthumously impress his Beloit writing and literature teacher, the late John Eells.

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