
1979年获得艾美奖的媒体制作人埃里克·梅为媒体研究超级明星提供奖学金. 霍普·乔伊·纳尔逊,23岁,该奖项的第一位获奖者,推出了她 “Hope This Helps” blog. Apply by Feb. 11 for the 2023 prize.

“I have been in Oregon for about six days, and it has been filled with immense confusion, happiness, and uneasiness. When I first move somewhere, I always find that I tend to fall into a state of lostness; which is extremely understandable given the circumstances. However, each time becomes easier and easier, 因为我学会了不同的策略,以使变化尽可能顺利.
- Hope Joy Nelson’23

Hope Joy Nelson'23是Barbara and Bill Haseltine P的第一位获得者... 霍普·乔伊·纳尔逊23岁是第一位获得芭芭拉和比尔·哈泽尔廷媒体研究奖的人. 她开设了自己的博客“希望这能有所帮助”,并在波特兰发现了一个新世界.Hope Joy Nelson’s “Hope This Helps” 博客是孤独的大学生在一个新地方的安全毯. 她想传达给别人的信息很明确:“如果我能做到,你也能做到。.”

她把波特兰标在地图上,远离伯洛伊特,是纳尔逊的一个新城市. With her Barbara and Bill Haseltine prize, 尼尔森买了一张机票,开始了一项社交媒体实验,在一个新的空间“试水作为一个成年人”.

2022年7月,当她降落在俄勒冈州时,她感到不知所措,但也很兴奋. She was happy to be in a new place, 但担心的是,当事情变得可怕时,她不能打电话给现在远在他乡的妹妹去接她.

Eric May’79, 几十年前,当他被哈佛大学录取时,他也做过同样的事情,只不过是相反的 Beloit College. In the college’s experimental Field Term年,梅在宾夕法尼亚州的一个门诺派社区找到了一段冒险之旅,她一根一根地建造了一个谷仓.

这段经历启发了芭芭拉和比尔·哈泽尔廷奖:让学生们做一些专业以外的事情, away from home and Beloit,” says May, 谁在2020年设立了这个奖项来纪念他的妈妈和继父, who always supported his success in life.

The Barbara and Bill Haseltine Prize 

Barbara and Bill Haseltine Prize awardees get up to $5,000 to elevate their creative media studies endeavors, service projects, and entrepreneurial initiatives. 申请人必须愿意走出自己的舒适区,秘密地驾驭未知.

“The Haseltine Prize embodies the best lesson of the Beloit Plan, 这种变革性的经历和对人生意义的追求可能是最深刻的职业准备形式,” says Professor Shawn Gillen, English department chair.

纳尔逊申请哈塞尔廷奖的提议被他的公司审核了 media studies professor and advisor Joe Bookman, who encouraged her to apply.

So, every few days, 她会写一篇博客,讲述她正在做的成人的事情, and how she was handling it. “It was challenging at first,’ Nelson says. “我一个人都不认识,所以我必须主动去交朋友.”


“It was a way to meet people,” Nelson says. “我看到人们来来去去,他们总是和我聊他们的生活经历, it was a really cool job to have there.”

As a media studies and economics major, Nelson learned of social media’s power.

“Social media can help people communicate better, especially for my generation; we know how to use it well,” Nelson says. “当世界上发生了什么事情时,我们就会发布十大菠菜台子, and the information spreads quicker than word-of-mouth.”

A blogger and a barn builder 

艾美奖获奖媒体制片人埃里克梅'79有一个成功的职业生涯在该行业. Now he wants to ... 艾美奖获奖媒体制片人埃里克梅' 79有一个成功的职业生涯在该行业. 现在,他想为伯洛伊特学院媒体研究专业的学生提供同样的机会,授予芭芭拉和比尔·哈泽尔廷奖.当梅申请到当地电视台工作时,他还是个小学生. 十年后,这位刚从伯洛伊特学院(Beloit College)毕业、获得文学学士学位的年轻人再次出现在我们面前 history and four years experience at WBCR-FM and Beloit Cable TV -被聘为初级电影档案保管员和提词器操作员.


A year later, May was the station’s youngest producer. 在美国各地积累了行业经验之后, 梅的辛勤工作为她赢得了在旧金山哥伦比亚广播公司担任执行制片人的机会, overseeing newscasts, breaking news, and election coverage, 获得艾美奖并获得多项提名.

In his 40s, 梅随后前往欧洲开始自己的咨询业务, working with the United Nations, and TV stations and media companies around the world.

埃里克·梅(右)和迈克·科特(左),以及赞助谷仓建设项目的厄尼·福斯特... 埃里克·梅(右)和迈克·科特(左),以及赞助谷仓建设项目的厄尼·福斯特t through the Beloit College Field Term office.
Credit: Jonathan Foust
Now an international media consultant and book author, 梅还记得在宾夕法尼亚州门诺派社区建造谷仓的重要经历吗. With zero carpentry skills, 而是在78届贝洛伊特同伴迈克·科特的指导下, 梅帮忙把一大堆木头改造成了谷仓的框架来完成他的野外项目.

梅说:“那张裸照是我见过的最美的东西。. “当门诺派社区的长老们来看它时,我们知道我们通过了考验.”

Just go for it

With the Feb. 11 deadline for the Haseltine Prize approaching, 梅渴望看到更多的学生接受纳尔逊所做的挑战.

“Hope’s project epitomizes what the Barbara and Bill Haseltine Prize is all about. 鼓励学生走出他们的舒适区,给他们信心去做任何事情,” May says.

Nelson graduates this summer, 她正在平面设计和社交媒体内容创作者之间摇摆不定, maybe in Europe.

“芭芭拉和比尔·哈泽尔廷奖项目给了我信心,我可以住在任何地方. 我非常感谢它给了我这个机会,”尼尔森说.

She encourages others to apply.

“It is a really cool opportunity,” Nelson says. “Just go for it.”

Find more information on the Barbara and Bill Haseltine Prize in Media Studies.

By: Jennifer Fetterly
January 05, 2023

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