

Geology professor Jay Zambito developed a video-based field experience on campus during Covid to keep students connected to 贝洛伊特. 而不是在学生回来后就废弃它, Zambito exp和ed 和 refined the lesson to teach local 地质 和 instill an appreciation for campus 历史.

当新冠病毒第一次袭来并让学生们回家时, 地质 杰伊·赞比托教授必须要有创意. 在类, he would normally take students to locations within about 45 minutes of campus, 比如当地的采石场, for h和s-on experiences identifying different types of rocks 和 resources. 但这在一段时间内不会发生.

因为他计划开设在线课程, 地球的演化, his goal was to teach 地质 while keeping students connected to the college. 为此,他与 大学档案馆历史人类学 部门开发一个特殊的校园地质作业. The lesson focused on such things as building materials that also revealed something about the progression of campus 历史. He filmed himself touring campus, combining local 地质 with college 历史.

He posted the video as an assignment for students to watch while they studied remotely. Once they returned, Zambito exp和ed 和 adapted the experience into an in-person assignment.

叫做《伯洛伊特学院的地质学,” the exercise features nearly 40 numbered stops for students to observe 和 answer questions about building foundation walls, 步骤, 立面以及校园内或校园附近的其他特征, 例如挡土墙.

Beyond 地质, Zambito says, “Students are gaining an appreciation for the 历史 of the campus.”

The historic stone water tower in 贝洛伊特, Wisconsin, just north of campus. The historic stone water tower in 贝洛伊特, Wisconsin, just north of campus.
来源:Ray Broad ' 26
One vivid example can be found at stop number seven: the historic stone water tower north of campus, 这是1885年为城市提供加压水而建造的. Built from dolostone bedrock that was locally quarried in the city of 贝洛伊特’s early years, the structure was constructed before it was possible to transport far-flung building materials to campus. Students are instructed to look at the stone’s “abundant marine invertebrate fossils.“在他们检查了水塔之后, they can also connect a visual timeline to some of the college’s oldest historic buildings. The same locally quarried stone can be found in the foundations of the college’s mid-19th century structures, 如中学.

25岁的艾拉·艾泽基和25岁的布里吉德·帕克于2022年秋季参加了这门课程. Neither is majoring in 地质, but they both found the course worthwhile.

“我最后真的很喜欢这门课,Aizeki说, “because it gives you an interesting context for the world that we live in.”

对于帕克, the Geology of 十大菠菜台子 assignment was a great opportunity to get outside the classroom environment 和 do some independent work on her own time. The bulk of the assignment 太k place over two class periods during which students would follow the itinerary mapped out in an assignment packet 和 answer prompts, such as “What are some invertebrate fossils found in the rocks at this stop?” 和 “Does this look like the local dolostone that was used to build the water tower?”

帕克发现这一课很有效果, making her think 更多的 deeply not only about the material composition of the campus, but also about how using 和 transporting materials have changed over time. “I think 地质 is a good class for anybody to take because it puts things into perspective,她说。.

作业还包括的历史和意义 校园里的印第安人墓地. 因为贝洛伊特位于曾经属于土著人民的土地上, Zambito believes campus residents are responsible for contributing to the mounds’ preservation 和 underst和ing their cultural significance.

Because of its focus on grounding students 更多的 in the 历史 of their campus environment, Zambito plans to retain the Geology of 十大菠菜台子 assignment as a permanent part of his course. 与此同时, 随着大多数旅行限制的解除, the 地质 department is back to leading its popular field experiences beyond campus, 太.

Geology professor Jay Zambito talks with students about a limestone bench on campus. Geology professor Jay Zambito talks with students about a limestone bench on campus. 他的《地球的进化》课程以校园地质学为特色.
来源:Ray Broad ' 26

在2023年7月和8月,学生们在卢斯基金会资助的 “转型中的景观”课程将前往日本的大贺, to study the impact of geoparks (conserved geologically significant sites) on rural sustainability. 2024年5月课程结束后, students will be able to join the first 地质 Field Excursion course held since Covid, when Zambito leads a two-week trip to upstate New York to collect world-famous fossils 和 learn about the geologic 历史 of the Finger Lakes 和 Catskill Mountains.

The off-site field trips are a welcome return to normalcy that complements the study of campus 地质.

“我们可能今天去爬火山,明天去浮潜,” 地质 professor Jim Rougvie says of the department’s typical forays into the field. “因为我们大多是在野外远足时露营的, students tend to build a lot of camaraderie that leads to a strong learning community back on campus.”

格雷森詹森的25 is majoring in creative 写作 和 ancient Mediterranean studies with a minor in medieval studies at 十大菠菜台子. 他们喜欢阅读, 写作, 和 drawing as well as playing Mario Kart 和 watching movies with friends.


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