
Hannah Yee’19, Favi Ramirez’20, and 杰克柯林斯21 first met in the 伯洛伊特公共卫生倡议(BPHI), a campus group that provides health-related resources to the Beloit community. 他们互相鼓励取得公共卫生硕士学位, 现在他们一起在明尼苏达大学.

The chain reaction began when Hannah Yee’19 reached out to Favi Ramirez’20 for more information about the University of Minnesota’s MPH 程序.

“I was so excited to learn that Favi was a year ahead [of me] doing her MPH in Maternal and Child Health,汉娜回忆道. “她让我相信这所学校. She explained how her professors were very understanding and personal and that she enjoyed being in the Twin Cities.”

不久之后,汉娜加入了 偷情者帮助偷情者 程序, 旨在帮助大流行期间毕业的学生, 作为她的BPHI校友的导师, 杰克柯林斯21. But they didn’t know that they were both headed for Minneapolis until they had already been accepted into the same Community Health Promotion MPH cohort.

从去年秋天开始, the trio meet up frequently — and not just to talk about public health, 虽然这个话题有些日子似乎无法回避.

“The three of us hang out a lot, and I have loved getting to know them more,” Hannah says. “我们有时一起出去吃晚饭, 每周一起游三次泳, 和彼此一起上课.”



Favi Ramirez’s passion for educating her community about public health access began in high school as a teen health advocate in a city-wide health council run through the Mikva Challenge Foundation. She investigated STI rates and unwanted teen pregnancies in Chicago, 和理事会一起, created a social media campaign and weighed in on the sex education curriculum in the Chicago public school system.

“My experiences in youth empowerment had a significant impact in my understanding of public health and the youth voice,Favi说.

法维的倡导在她主修的贝洛伊特大学继续进行 健康与社会 辅修课程 西班牙语. 她的研究主要集中在健康的社会决定因素上, 比如种族, 种族, 经济地位, 以及它们与产前和产后护理的关系. 第一代大学生, she was honored with Beloit’s Cummings Community Health Prize and the SSEC Grace and Lawrence Ousley Award. 她还领导了西班牙俱乐部和BPHI.

“I learned the importance of showing consistent support,她说。 of her community work with BPHI. “I really enjoyed cultivating a community every year among my peers, who felt the same passion for public health and brought in different lived experiences and skill sets.”

Favi graduated from Beloit away from campus in the early months of the pandemic. 到秋天, she had already enrolled in her Maternal and Child Health 程序 — not in spite of the inherent challenges of learning about public health during an international health crisis, 但是因为他们.

“We talked about COVID-19 in every class, and I felt reassured that this is where I needed to be.”


I loved working with the community and found public health to be encompassing of all issues revo... “I loved working with the community and found public health to be encompassing of all issues revolving around social justice and health equity.——hannah Yee, 19岁

心理学 主要和 博物馆研究 minor Hannah Yee was inspired to pursue a career in public health by 罗恩·沃森,她的 荣誉的术语 mentor, BPHI advisor, and an associate professor of Health and Society and Political Science.

汉娜说:“他塑造了我在伯洛伊特的时光. “他教授世界的方式让人大开眼界.”

她的荣誉学期, Hannah conducted research about the intersection of Rock County’s high rates of sexually transmitted infections and the opioid epidemic — knowledge that she incorporated into her community organizing and leadership of BPHI.

“Being a part of BPHI greatly impacted my choice to go into public health because I loved working with the community and found public health to be encompassing of all issues revolving around social justice and health equity,她说。.

Hannah returned to school after working two years at an environmental nonprofit in her hometown of San Francisco. Her passion for protecting the human right to health has kept her going through the transition to graduate school.

“重返校园对我来说是一个冲击,也是一个很大的调整, but I am very thankful for my education at Beloit because it has prepared me to understand theory, 概念模型, 参与课堂讨论,汉娜说。.

The education I received at Beloit encourages me to be adaptable in a changing public health fie... The education I received at Beloit encourages me to be adaptable in a changing public health field and world.——杰克·柯林斯,21岁


Minnesota native Jack Collins wanted to find ways to incorporate his 哲学 主修公共卫生领域. Public policy fit the bill perfectly — and he didn’t have to wait to get to Minneapolis to try it out.

“Biomedical Ethics provided me with a deep understanding of the role that ethics plays in our daily lives, 特别是在医疗保健系统,杰克说。. [哲学教授] 马特·特德斯科 encouraged me to approach my 哲学 主要和 interest in public health [with] interdisciplinary approaches and solutions.”

当杰克还是伯洛伊特学院的学生时,他一直在搬家. 除了他在BPHI的角色,他也是一个 居民助理, 学生卓越与领导力(SEL) 导师,并定期参加 持续的对话 ——仅举几个例子. With Jack’s affinity for making connections with people and helping them find solutions, it’s no surprise that he recently became a dietary interviewer in the public health school’s Epidemiology and Community Health division.

As the pandemic drags on, Jack’s Beloit education has helped prepare him for whatever comes next.

The education I received at Beloit encourages me to be adaptable in a changing public health field and world.”


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