Future steward for the environment

21岁的凯莉·威廉姆斯(Kaylie Williams)最近开始了她大学毕业后的旅程,在加州的清湖州立公园担任公园助理. 她带着在贝洛伊特大学培养的技能和自信,帮助她激励后代的自然和土著权利倡导者.


This time two years ago, 她正在学习如何在大西洋中央驾驶一艘船 Sea Education Association (SEA) Semester based in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Shortly before her program was scheduled to end, 大流行迫使她回到了她的小家乡凯尔西维尔, Calif., where she found a job waitressing.

2020年秋天,凯莉在伯洛伊特开始了不确定的高三. As the women’s swim team captain, she found herself without a season to prepare for, with Midwest Conference sports suspended.

Kaylie Williams'21 Kaylie Williams’21

Despite graduating magna cum laude with a major in history and a double minor in English and environmental studies她担心搬回家后会进入一个不确定的就业市场. Like many of her class of 2021 peers, Kaylie felt untethered.

在做了一个夏天的兼职游泳教练,申请了几十个职位之后, 凯莉于2021年10月开始在Clearlake的Clearlake州立公园担任公园助理, Calif. ——对这位满怀希望的环境管理者来说,这是朝着正确方向迈出的一步. There, she works four 10-hour shifts a week, greeting visitors, helping them check out fishing and boating equipment, cleaning trails, and, on a good day, hiking or driving around the park to check on campsites.


Clear Lake on a warm, clear day. Clear Lake on a warm, clear day.

“我选择的专业和课程每天都有实际应用,”凯莉说. “我正在和人们谈论土著遗产和公园的历史. I’ll only do that more as I grow into a bigger position, so in that way, my education was really practical. I think I chose the perfect field to enter.”

With a foot in the door, 凯莉希望继续在州立公园系统工作,最终成为一名公园口译员, 她把这个角色描述为“没有执法的护林员”.” In the position, 她还将带领人们在公园散步,并监督该遗址游客中心的研究工作.

凯莉在历史学助理教授的课程中了解了美洲原住民的历史 Kate Johnston. If she continues to move up at Clear Lake, 她希望与南波莫和海岸米渥克部落合作, 他们与公园达成协议,创造合作展览,并做出其他想要的改变.

In addition to improving her writing, becoming a better researcher, and contributing to class discussions while at Beloit, 凯莉培养了走出舒适区的信心.

她说:“如果没有Beloit,我就不会经历现在的一些成长。. “我出国留学,在全国各地上学,这本身就是一大步. 我认为,在这么多不同个性和身份的人身边,在这么不同的地方长大,让我能够更好地进行关于历史和自然的对话.”

这是一棵几年前裂开了一半的树,从那以后,我们的游客就一直在 ... “这是一棵几年前裂开一半的树,从那以后就一直如此, 我们的游客把羽毛、石头和小宝贝放在里面,就像一个宝箱. 它保养得很好,已经成为我们公园里的一个著名景点.”


“我去上了一堂课——我想是一堂英语课——坐在WAC南休息室. 这个班有10到12个人,他们都走了进来,坐在一张又大又长的桌子旁. 让我印象深刻的是每个学生与教授之间的私人关系, calling them by their first name. 我来自一所很小的高中,我们做的事情差不多, 所以,虽然离家很远,但还是有一些可以联系的东西,这让我感到很欣慰. 我感到很受欢迎——不仅仅是因为我是一名未来的学生, but because I could fit in here,” Kaylie says.

Her first-year seminar course with Professor of English Chris Fink, called In Search of the Poet, introduced her to poet Lorine Niedecker, who attended Beloit in the early 1920s. The class, which she described as “magical,在阿特金森堡诗人的家中进行实地考察时,他们结下了友谊, Wis.在那里,凯莉和她的同学们与尼德克的家人和朋友进行了口述历史.

“We had such a wonderful group of people. 这是我第一次接触到在贝洛伊特共存的这么多不同的个性. When we just started out, 有时候,我们所有人——所有的新生——都走进(教室),试图弄清楚它——然后(有人说), ‘Wow, finals are really kicking my butt this week.’克里斯会说,‘好吧,让我们坐下来谈谈. How is everyone doing?’ I think we really lucked out,” she says.

凯莉驾驶她的SEA学期船,SSV科威斯克莱默. 凯莉驾驶她的SEA学期船,SSV科威斯克莱默.

Kaylie将SEA学期描述为类似的变革经历, 不仅仅是因为她和她的船员建立了联系, 但也因为与环保非营利组织的合作让她对自己余生想要做的事情有了不同的思考. 那时她已经决定,她不想在历史博物馆教书或工作——尤其是因为她“基本上是在户外长大的”,讨厌坐办公室的想法. Now, with more knowledge and passion in her arsenal, 她正在进入一个既能让她接触自然又能保护自然的领域.

“When I started doing my own research project on the boat, 我和林业部门的人一起在这些小岛上工作, and that was a big turning point,” she explains. “我在海洋上看到了它是多么美丽和多样,并了解了所有不同类型的生态系统. I decided I want to be a force for change in the future. I want to be a steward. 我想教别人什么是环境的管家. I want to inspire children and adults to take action.”

February 03, 2022

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