
在史密斯吸烟, 企业家中心, and Clyde Stubblefield



I really enjoyed the Student Union story in the last issue. I believe the determining factor of choosing 贝洛伊特 as my college was how great the Union felt when I walked in as a prospective student in 1969. 我不是一个很聪明的购物者, not knowing anything about the 贝洛伊特 Plan until I got there, but I knew the Student Union was very cool and where I wanted to be.

一楼是咖啡厅, but the second floor was the place for weekly movies and amazing bands. 离芝加哥只有两个小时的路程, we had outstanding blues bands come regularly, 现场音乐是一个固定的特色. When my daughter attended 贝洛伊特 30 years later, live Chicago bands didn’t seem to be part of the 贝洛伊特 culture.

One thing I didn’t see in the article which I would be curious about: Smoking was ubiquitous back then, but it was strictly forbidden at the Union because we were told there was straw insulation between the two floors that could easily catch fire. It kept all the musical noise and stomping from being heard in the coffee house downstairs, 但这是一个众所周知的危险. Is that true—was/is there straw as insulation between the floors?



Smith building specifications are among the historical records in 大学档案馆, but straw insulation is not mentioned among the construction materials. The extra caution about smoking in Smith Union may have stemmed from a 1964 fire that started in a second floor lounge and was spotted and quickly extinguished by firefighters on patrol. The cause was attributed to a “cigarette in a davenport.”

Entrepreneurship Center is a source of pride

十大菠菜台子杂志2017-1冬季封面 I read “Rethinking the Entrepreneur” in the winter 2017 college magazine with great interest.

2015年5月, 杰弗瑞康沃尔, Massey Chair and Professor of Entrepreneurship at Belmont University in Nashville, 和我, 理查德·卢西尔65, Professor Emeritus of Economics at Denison University in Granville, 俄亥俄州, were asked by Provost and Dean of the College Ann Davies to conduct an external review of the Center for Entrepreneurship in Liberal Education at 贝洛伊特, CELEB. 整整三天, 我们会见了30多名学生, 六个大学管理人员, 还有十几名教师.

Jeff 和我 came to two findings to share with the 贝洛伊特 community.

第一个, CELEB is a program which contributes to 贝洛伊特’s uniqueness and attractiveness to potential students and their parents. 另外, CELEB is consistent with and contributes to the 2011 reaffirmation of experiential education exemplified in the Liberal Arts in Practice (LAP) graduation requirement. 创始董事, Professor Emeritus of Economics Jerry Gustafson, 以及他的继任者, 85年布莱恩黑樱桃, 发展和领导了一流的吗, 文科课程, 哪一个是建立全国声誉.

Second, we were impressed, in fact, elated by our interactions with students. They were articulate, bright, open, and thoughtful. We had the same positive experience with faculty, staff, and administrators. 作为校友, my pride in being a 贝洛伊特 graduate and my confidence in the future of the college were increased.




In remembrance of the late, great drummer Clyde Stubblefield, I want to share a story. Spring Day of 1998 would not have been the same without him. 那一年, the Student Activities Committee worked hard to put together a musical line-up everybody on campus would appreciate. When word got around that the drummer for James Brown agreed to play our annual music festival, 兴奋之情迅速升温.

既然大家都知道. Stubblefield would be the closing act, the pressure to book performers that would both complement Mr. Stubblefield’s sound and expose students to new music, put those of us on the Spring Day Committee on edge. I wanted to bring a folk-musician from Olympia, Wash.她的名字叫露易丝·马费奥. When I called her record label to inquire about her availability, she personally returned my phone call and agreed to play the show only if she could simply bring a friend from Portland, 矿石. Not wanting to come off as nosy or a gossip, I never asked who that partner might be.

When Lois showed up with Sleater-Kinney rocker Carrie 布朗斯坦 of Portlandia-fame, I felt absolutely blessed to have such an amazing show in which they could take part. 虽然那天雨下得很大, causing us to move Spring Day into the C-Haus, everybody enjoyed Clyde’s famous breaks and funky beats. And that morning I got to eat bagels with Ms. 马菲奥和夫人. 布朗斯坦. 最重要的是, we talked about the rain and how much we anticipated hearing the musicianship of an accomplished master like Clyde Stubblefield.

That day a younger generation learned how grateful they should be for the influence of one whose creativity and humility must continue in the world of today’s music.



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