

十大菠菜台子 maintains a fleet of vehicles that may be reserved by members of the 十大菠菜台子 community for college related field trips, 体育活动, 商务会议或其他经批准的活动.

1. 预订

  • 车辆预订只允许在伯洛伊特学院的院系使用, 俱乐部, 相关团体及组织. 车队车辆不发给个人.
  • 所有的预订都应该尽早进行.
  • 任何部门, 希望预订车辆的俱乐部或团体, 必须填写学校车辆使用申请表吗, 保安处有哪些. 这张表必须填写完整, including the account number to charge for the cost of the proposed trip and any damage to the vehicle that may occur during the proposed trip. 损坏费用通常不超过保险免赔额1000美元.00, excepting in cases where the total charge is near enough to the deductible to make it fiscally responsible to pay the whole charge instead of filing an insurance claim.
  • 所有的申请单必须由相应的部门主管签署, 俱乐部的顾问, 导演, 或他们指定的人,然后交给保安.
  • 12辆客车每英里的价格是0美元.65. 其他所有小型货车和轿车的价格为0美元.每英里50美元. 这包括燃料成本.

2. 使用优先权

  • 首先优先使用的是学术部门
  • 第二优先使用的是田径(大学体育)
  • 第三个优先事项是所有其他部门, 俱乐部, 官方认可的组织, 专项资助项目, 行政保留等.

Departments with higher priorities can “bump” vehicle reservations made by those with lower priorities providing that the three general guidelines listed below are followed.

  • 如果要更改另一个预订,至少要提前两周通知.
  • 持续几天的旅行通常不会被一天的旅行所取代.
  • 在目的地丢失押金的学生团体通常不会被取消.

有时, 由于恶劣天气或持续的紧急情况,预订将被取消, 要么在学校, 或者在计划旅行的目的地. 虽然这种情况很少发生, 为了大家的安全或利益,我们有时不得不取消您的旅行.

3. 授权的司机

A. 教员/员工

  • 教师 & staff who drive campus vehicles as an integral part of their employment shall have their driver’s history for the last five years verified by Human Resources through an outside agency on an annual basis. 有两次或两次以上交通违规/事故的人, 可能没有资格开车去伯洛伊特学院, 视情况而定. 三次交通违规/事故将取消教职员工在伯洛伊特学院的驾驶资格. 所有教师 & 员工必须每年检查一次驾驶记录.
  • 因醉酒驾驶车辆被定罪的教职员工, 鲁莽驾驶, 以每小时超过规定速度20英里的速度驾驶车辆, vehicular man slaughter or leaving the scene of an accident within the last five years will not be authorized to drive fleet vehicles.
  • 当你负责车队车辆时,没有报告车辆损坏情况, 或者在使用车队车辆时未报告收到移动违章或罚单, 会导致司机的特权被撤销吗. 司机对自己的行为造成的任何违规行为负责.
  • 只有持有有效美国驾照的人才能被授权驾驶车队车辆.

B. 学生

  • 学生 are required to have their driver’s license records checked for the last three years on an annual basis at the beginning of every fall semester. 他们必须在安检处领取学生驾驶执照申请表并填写, 包括他们将为之驾驶的部门/俱乐部/组织的签名和账号. 他们还必须附上有效的美国驾驶执照的复印件.
  • 保安将核实学生的驾驶记录. Any student with three or more accidents/traffic violations during the last three years will not be allowed to drive fleet vehicles. Any student convicted of; operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI), 鲁莽驾驶, 以每小时超过规定速度20英里的速度驾驶车辆, vehicular man slaughter or leaving the scene of an accident will also not be allowed to drive fleet vehicles. 任何伪造驾驶申请表的学生将不被允许驾驶车队.
  • 如果学生的驾驶记录被批准, then they will take a driver training course with 安全 to help familiarize them with driving twelve passenger vehicles. The driver training course is only required the first time that a student becomes certified to drive fleet vehicles.
  • 未报告车辆事故, 负责车队车辆时遭受的损害, 或者在使用车队车辆时未报告收到移动违章或罚单, 会否导致学生的车队驾驶特权被撤销. 司机对自己的行为造成的任何违规行为负责.

4. 车队车辆规则

  • All drivers of 十大菠菜台子 vehicles are required to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the Department of Transportation, 任何一个城市, 州和/或联邦法规, 他们驾驶所在地区的法规或法律.
  • Always practice defensive driving and be courteous to other drivers while representing 十大菠菜台子 while operating our vehicles.
  • 司机开车时不得使用手机. 如果他们需要拨打或接听电话, 他们应该把车停在一个安全的地方,然后拨打/接听电话.
  • Every driver must present their valid United States drivers license to sign out a fleet vehicle at 安全.
  • If the vehicle will be driven outside of the Beloit/South Beloit city limits the driver must provide 安全 with a passenger list. 如果不止一辆车要去旅行, 保安应该收到每辆车的乘客名单. 该名单应包括车辆内每个人的姓和名, 包括司机.
  • 任何时候都不能喝酒, 食用非法物质(或任何种类的麻醉物质), 使用, or transported in any college vehicle…or may any College vehicle be driven by anyone under the influence of such substances.
  • The driver shall be responsible to do a pre-trip inspection of any fleet vehicle that they are about to use. They should report any damage that they have noted during the pre-trip inspection to 安全 before they move the vehicle out of its parking stall. 未在使用车辆前报告损坏可能导致司机, 以及他们的部门/俱乐部/组织, 负责修理在车辆上发现的任何损坏.
  • 车辆行驶时,所有司机和乘客都应系好安全带. 车内乘客数量超过安全带数量是严格禁止的.
  • The beginning and ending mileage of the vehicle shall be recorded by the driver on the provided trip ticket. 一定要在旅行结束时把车票交上来.
  • 由于高度限制,我们的12座货车不能进入停车场/坡道. 如果规定的坡道高度远远高于车辆的车顶高度,则无关紧要. 这条规则不允许有任何例外. Your department/club/organization will be charged for the total cost to repair the damage to the roof; it will not be turned in as an insurance claim.
  • 禁止使用汽车顶架和拖车.
  • 车队将用于运送人员及其行李. 它们不能用于拖运其他财产.
  • 如果您在旅途中需要从车上卸下座位, 你必须在校园内提供一个安全干燥的地方存放座位,直到你的旅行结束. 这样做只应该为行李腾出空间,而不是牵引重型设备. 当您的旅行结束后,您有责任以适当的方式重新安装座椅. 由于座椅安装不当造成的任何损坏或责任将由您所在部门负责.
  • Any mechanical problems with the vehicle such as; lights, brakes, wipers etc. 在离开之前应该向保安报告吗, 如果在旅行前检查中发现, 或者在旅行结束时交出钥匙和旅行票. Serious mechanical issues such as; low oil warning lights, 磨刹车, 异常的引擎噪音等. 在继续驾驶车辆前,应立即向保安报告.
  • Any damage to the vehicle that is incurred while the driver is responsible for the vehicle shall be reported to a 安全 officer immediately upon returning the vehicle trip ticket and keys at 安全. 司机还应在车辆旅行票上记录任何损坏情况. Failure to report damage done to a vehicle will result in the revocation of the driver’s fleet driving privileges.
  • 所有事故应立即报告给保安部. 如果事故发生在校外,司机应电话联系保安报告. The driver shall also report the accident to the police or sheriff’s department who has jurisdiction for the area where the accident occurred. A written statement describing the circumstances of the accident and a police report number should be provided to 安全 at the driver’s earliest convenience.
  • The fleet credit card that is provided with each fleet vehicle is to be 使用 only for the purchase of fuel for the vehicle. The driver needs to use the four digit pin number (pin number is located under the driver’s side visor in each fleet vehicle) when purchasing fuel with the fleet credit card. The driver shall get a receipt every time they use the credit card and turn the receipt in at 安全 when they turn in the trip ticket and vehicle keys. 如果车辆在行驶过程中发生故障,驾驶员应与保安联系. 安全将授权使用信用卡进行任何必要的维修. 未经授权的维修可能会向授权部门/俱乐部/组织收费. 不得使用车队信用卡购买食品、零食或饮料. 任何未经授权的购买将被记入授权部门/俱乐部/组织的帐单. 如果您丢失或放错了车队信用卡,请立即致电保安报告.
  • Drivers of fleet vehicles that may exceed 3000 miles in one trip are authorized to get the vehicle’s oil changed while on the trip. They may use the fleet credit card and should bring a receipt for the oil change back along with their gas receipts.
  • It is expected that each driver will fill the vehicle’s gas tank if it is less than ¾ full at the end of the trip as a courtesy to others.
  • 每个司机都应该在旅行结束时对车辆进行一次旅行后检查. They should check for any damage that may have occurred while they were away from the vehicle and make sure that any debris inside the interior of the vehicle has been picked up. 报告车内任何无法清理的粘溢物, 或者你发现, 这样其他人就不用处理这个烂摊子了. 确保所有的窗户和门都关好并锁好,所有的室内都关好 & 外部灯光熄灭.
  • 异常数量的碎片, 就像野外旅行留下的泥巴, 司机/乘客是否应在归还车辆前将车辆清理干净. 这将包括车辆外部异常大量的污垢或泥浆.

5. 未成年人在伯洛伊特学院车队车辆

The use of 十大菠菜台子 fleet vehicles and vehicles rented by the College is generally restricted to faculty, 与学院有直接关系并从事学院业务的教职员工和学生. 非学生, 特别是未成年人, 谁没有正式参与旅行的教育目的, 通常不允许用这些车辆运输吗.

在特殊情况下, 单独批准时, 非学生, 包括教职员工的未成年子女, 在符合书院利益的情况下,可否陪同教职员旅行. 只要有可能, 如果未成年的孩子陪同他们的父母旅行, 个人最好使用自己的车辆来限制学校的责任.

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