
教授 生物学 瑞秋Bergstrom is hard to miss on campus — 和 not just because of her pink hair 和 bright glasses. 无论她走进什么房间,她都是最精力充沛的人之一. 前 AMP 该系列视频的导师和联合主持人, 我们来谈谈冠状病毒在美国,她现在是 卫生科学学院. 她讨论了她对学校的愿景, 她是怎么来的, 和 what — 和 who — has helped her become the beloved professor 和 mentor she is today.

卫生科学学院 Director 瑞秋Bergstrom brings joy 和 a passion for people 和 science to all the spaces she enters.

最让你兴奋的是什么 卫生科学学院 和一个新的 与埃奇伍德学院的护理合作?

这么多事情! 克里斯汀Labby 建起了那么多伟大的东西 建议 为学生们策划活动和项目,我很高兴能让他们走出去. 我很高兴我们能突出我们的校友. 现在是医学院的录取季节, 我很高兴地向大家介绍最近的校友(他们已经进入了专业学校), 所有人都是这样的, “是的! 帮我联系一下在校生. 在这个过程中我真的学到了很多.”

[For the BSN program through Edgewood College] we really want students to still have the identity of a 十大菠菜台子 student. 有了BSN, students will be able to stay here; they won’t have to uproot for a short time 和 then uproot again after they’re done. Everybody is so excited about this opportunity 和 what it means for our students 和 the community. Not many schools are doing this kind of on-campus partnership in the way that we’re doing it. 我很兴奋 护理 我们校园的学生. 这是一个非常适合文科的职业.


我们有第一堂课 紧急医疗技术员(EMT) students over at Blackhawk Tech right now, 和 they’re having a blast 和 learning a ton. 这对他们所有人来说都是艰难、激动、沮丧和兴奋的, 看看这学期是如何运作的, 我在想下一步做这件事的最好方法. It’s so wonderful that they can do it as part of their Beloit time; it’s like an internship of sorts. 我对此非常兴奋.

我们已经进入了第二学期 跨专业实践与教育中心. 我们的学生正在做一个痴呆症护理和意识项目. The goal [of CIPE] is to help people work better in healthcare teams 和 increase awareness around dementia. 我正在为其中一个团体提供便利, 来自威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校的专业学生和我们的学生. 这学期,我们和照顾痴呆症患者的人一起工作. 学生们已经见到并采访了护理人员, 和 they’ll be working with a dementia care specialist through the Aging 和 Disabilities Resource Center. 而不是关注痴呆症患者, 该计划的重点是照顾者所需的资源. 在我的小组里, 他们住在一个美丽的农村地区, 和 that gets complicated making sure this person has the support they need in-home 和 the ability to take care of themself. 其目标是为护理人员提供量身定制的资源包,以满足他们的需求. The caregiver is thinking about when they are going to move their loved one into a more supportive care — 和 how long can they keep them at home with them? 我们对需要提出的问题以及如何解决这些问题有一些想法. 对我们的学生来说,这真是一次大开眼界的经历, 我希望我们能继续我们的关系. 为此,学生们会得到一枚徽章——简历上的一份证书. 和他们一起工作很愉快.

在四月观测日食对阴影的影响. 在四月观测日食对阴影的影响.


We’re working on building a stronger relationship with the University of Wisconsin-Madison around physical therapy. 我们还在与Beloit Health System进行合作. 我们有一个 通往见习和实习的道路 there, 和 we placed several students there for the second half of this semester for shadowing. 这将是一次专业的申请经验, 面试, 然后被接受, 学生们将不得不考虑他们想要什么样的影子体验, 他们想看的东西. 我们正在与护理教育人员合作, 和 they’ll tailor the shadowing to the students’ needs 和 make sure they’re making connections for the students. 很多学生来到伯洛伊特说, “我想在医疗保健领域做点什么, 但我不知道是什么.“让他们进去看看吧.


Grad school taught me that the place that I can make the biggest impact in science is in teaching scientists. I have a liberal arts background; I went to North Park University in Chicago, 我从文科培训中受益匪浅. 它非常符合我的个性和兴趣. I found that it was important to have that opportunity to do stuff that wasn’t science 和 think about how it’s all connected 和 how different ways of thinking through problems can be influenced by interdisciplinary work. I also benefited from the small class size; I knew all of my professors 和 had the opportunity to work with them 和 get to know them as people. 他们激发了我的热情.

我在大学的时候就想去读医学院. I took the MCAT 和 I worked in a hospital for four years as a phlebotomist 和 lost interest in working in a hospital setting. 我对研究更感兴趣. 我在西北大学的一个研究实验室找到了一份工作,然后进了研究生院. I got into my dream school 和 thought I wanted to have a research lab 和 realized that wasn’t the thing that would bring me the most joy or make the most difference. 研究生毕业的时候,我觉得有点迷茫. I found a sabbatical replacement [position] at Mankato State 和 then was applying for jobs 和 knew my parents were going to be retiring close by in Monroe, 生病了.所以我申请了伯洛伊特,参加了面试,然后说:“我可以在这里工作!”

Proudly displaying an honorary nurse degree received by Edgewood College for her work to establish the Proudly displaying an “honorary nurse” degree received by Edgewood College for her work to establish the 双学位护理伙伴关系.


我的专业是神经科学, 我每隔一年教一次神经学课程, 所以我可以教很多不同的东西. 我喜欢教新发疾病——我没有受过培训, 但我喜欢训练自己. I made my first T-shirt [this year] based on a case study that we do in the class about how they eradicated rabies from foxes in Central Europe. 布瑞特Scharringhausen 为我设计的. 我喜欢我可以认真对待科学,而自己却不严肃. 我可以找到一些学生会记住的愚蠢的事情. I like that this is a place where I can teach science with high expectations for my students, but I can incorporate myself into the classroom 和 the way that I work with students through 建议.

It’s been important for my professional development that I’ve been encouraged to do things outside of the biology department. 我从中学到了很多 AMP program, 和 now I’m learning more as the new director of the 卫生科学学院. It’s helping me to better underst和 the college as a whole 和 the ways in which students are experiencing this place, 然后回到我的教室是如何设置的, 我的办公时间, 我如何与学生互动. 我认为这归结为我可以做自己的感觉, 和 it’s not like I’m trying to match what other people are doing or expectations in science. 我可以做我自己,这会提高我的工作水平.

有一年夏天,我把头发染成了粉红色,然后说:“啊,现在我得把它染回去。. 我必须是专业的.[生物学名誉教授] 肯Yasukawa “为什么? 这不会带走Ph值.D.记住这一点很有帮助. 我得到了一些很好的指导,不仅来自我的部门, but also from women who are in administration 和 have been in the sciences for a long time. 我知道我不是每个人的菜, 但我在伯洛伊特找到了自己的位置,在那里我可以成为更多人喜欢的人. 这对于与学生的关系也很重要.

这些导师都有哪些人 如何成为一名导师?

房地产格罗斯曼 和 肯Yasukawa were incredibly important to me for getting me through tenure, supporting me. 布瑞特Scharringhausen也在很多重要方面帮助我坚持做自己. 埃里克·博因顿总统查克•刘易斯 让我明白,我喜欢思考制度体系, 那不是我认为我感兴趣的东西. 然后是我妈妈! 我妈妈真的很擅长与人交往,而且很友好.


The big thing is that I’ve started to get much better at making boundaries between work 和 family. 这使我去年的生活发生了巨大的变化. I have an almost three-year-old 和 a five-year-old, 和 it’s so hard to get those boundaries. 另一件事是,我必须有工作以外的事情和创造性的事情去做.

“我喜欢这样,我可以认真对待科学,而不用把自己当回事. “我喜欢这样,我可以认真对待科学,而不用把自己当回事. 我可以做我自己,这会提高我的工作水平.”

我编织—— 每一个人 知道我在编织 到处都是. 我也正在重新装修我家的前厅。. 圣诞节期间, 我承担了拆除一堵墙的浩大工程, 现在我必须在开始其他项目之前完成它. 我成年后的大部分时间都在跑步,我把跑步放在首位. 我在周一,周三和周五的8-10点授课,然后10-11:30,我跑步. 这太棒了. 我每天工作很长时间,因为委员会、管理和教员会议, so making that space 和 time for myself to stop 和 do something else really has made a difference.

布里特和我定期一起去自习室. 我们去百吉饼店,喝咖啡,工作. 在不同的空间度过时间真好. 我们不一定要做什么特别的事情, but having the accountability of someone else physically sitting there — 和 the cinnamon rolls! 这是美妙的. It’s nice to be in a different space with someone I don’t see on a regular basis otherwise.


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